IoT Risk Management | Solutions

Risk Management for IoT Business

Monitoring And Controlling Risk In The IoT Value Chain.

Business assurance analytics for IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly expanding space, with new devices, business models and technologies emerging all the time. Mobileum's IoT risk management framework includes software tools, managed services, software deployment and professional services , which can help to design, implement, operate and improve a communication services provider (CSP) with an Internet of Things‎ risk management framework

Real-time anomaly detection for IoT fraud management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) provide the tools for anti-fraud. They enable anti-fraud teams to process vast quantities of data in near real-time and detect fraudulent patterns that can then be investigated further by a team of anti-fraud experts. This allows collaboration on training data, the creation of shared models, inference results, and the validation of those results. Applied to real data in an automated, low latency manner, the results can affect business activities even as they are happening, offering a real competitive advantage for organizations. 

Monitor and control emerging risks from the Internet of Things

RAID platform provides an integrated and flexible solution for CSPs that want to assess IoT risks, define controls, and monitor events that lead to the identification of issues, as well as to implement and track remediation plans. RAID risk management solution provides advanced analytical capabilities to gain real-time, end-to-end visibility into IoT business processes such as new service activation, or complex 5G slice billing.
  • Audit and control all IoT risks along the value chain
  • Monitor IoT risks and have the option to take action
  • Make action plans with process owners via drill-down dashboards
  • Track all IoT risk issues closely to ensure timely follow-up, avoid large risk events, and prevent potential losses

See how Mobileum can help protect & grow your business

Over 750 Telecom companies, in more than 150 countries, are scaling their business with Mobileum solutions.

Risk Management For Securely Monetizing Your IoT Business Models

IoT Connectivity Usage
Audit volumes and the nature of connectivity between devices, between devices and controllers, and between CSPs and the IoT gateways for revenue assurance proposes.
  • Integration with network fault management
  • Machine learning-based analytics
  • Predictive assurance to protect SLAs
  • Monitor every IP enabled device that produces data
Billing Validation
Build personalized wholesale subscription pricing with Elastic Billing auditing. Monitor and control how you process and monetize big data collected from “things”.
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Highly configurable and inter-operable
  • Ready for dynamic pricing policies
  • Compatible with differential rating plans (Service Type, QoS, the volume of data, Tariff Switch, Location, etc)
Fraud Management
Get the most relevant IoT risk management data and use it to respond to particular fraud patterns with a sophisticated and far-ranging predictive analysis.
  • Real-Time detection engines
  • Predictive analysis capability
  • Specific controls for the mobile channel
  • Digital identity validation
  • Contextual anomaly detection

Provisioning and authentication assurance for IoT devices

Although the IoT brings connectivity to many new devices, the secret to keeping all the services up and running in terms of having devices, services, and customer identity correctly provisioned has not changed. Combining a rule-based approach with machine learning, RAID monitors the IoT value chain to predict and preemptively monitor device, service, and identity provisioning, across different platforms, protocols and ecosystems.
  • PaaS onboarding provisioning
  • VAS provisioning
  • Remote SIM provisioning for M2M
  • Identity provisioning
  • LPWAN and LoRaWAN™ Monitoring

Where All Of Your Risk Management Strategy Comes Together

Partner Lifecycle Auditing
Audit partner management from on-boarding to settlement, including partner and partner hierarchy up to N- level, minimum commitment obligations, and partner credit limit assignment and provisioning.
Security And Fraud
Monitor how customer identities are being used on devices to participate in transactions by using biometrics. Link weak security controls with anti-fraud policies, eradicating points of weakness for a truly integrated fraud management strategy.
Wholesale Rating And Charging
Audit multiple rating schemes based on monetary balance or events, discounts, revenue-sharing models, zero-rated, etc with partner account – guiding information to product package association.
Real-Time Anomaly Detection
Use predictive and interactive fraud analytics capabilities with batched and real-time data processing. Take advantage of an extensive library of fraud detection rules combined with data clustering to model unknown types of fraud.
Margin Analytics
Access intelligent margin analysis and reports on usage patterns at service, product, and partner levels. Monitor an unlimited number of partner agreements, revenue sharing, and hierarchy levels
Get Data From IoT Gateways
Monitor automatic device provisioning in a specified IoT hub through the collection of data coming from open, published & secured APIs/web-services/interfaces during zero-touch, just-in-time device provisioning.

Mobileum Risk Management Software Portfolio

Discover why Mobileum is the most trusted software vendor by Telecom companies all over the globe to manage their Revenue Assurance activities.

IoT value chain margin analytics

The main challenge faced when calculating margins is assigning costs for network elements. It requires an understanding of the type of traffic being transmitted across the network and then the ability to assign costs accordingly. RAID Cost & Margin Assurance delivers a granular view of operational costs associated with network usage and links it with charges for services being delivered. This way, CSPs can make clearer choices when linking new product releases, assets in use, and customer revenue.
  • Analyze which clients are not profitable?
  • Do you have low roaming margins?
  • Are you launching successful products?
  • Are you improving Interconnect margins overtime?
  • Which content-based services are not profitable?

Stop The Monetization Of IoT Devices for IRSF

International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) is attractive to criminals because of the inherently low risk of the attack. It can be performed at a distance and the received money comes from re-directing the inter-carrier billing for expensive telecom traffic.
Since these frauds can be executed against the internet of things (IoT), the sheer number of devices that can be possibly involved has to be considered. When originated from IoT-critical infrastructures, and is consequently blocked as fraud, the IoT-enabled deployments would go silent.
Therefore, organizations that are using telecoms in operations should improve their security and fraud prevention posture to ensure the continuity of services, RAID allows CSPs to secure the new complex environments of IoT.